Marketing can change the world: Taking pride in LGBT+ marketing


While they may start with the best intentions, brand campaigns that fail to authentically depict the LGBT+ community will always fall flat. Or, in the worst case scenario, provoke a backlash.

A fear of ‘cancel culture’ should not put brands off, as the need for greater LGBT+ representation in advertising is critical. While 64% of adults think it’s positive for the LGBT+ community to be visible in advertisements, 72% of LGBT+ community think the way they are presented in advertising is tokenistic.

This needs to improve. Rather than shy away, brands can be a beacon for change if they are more proactive and reactive when creating LGBT+ marketing or advertising.

Our panel of expert marketers in the field of LGBT+ communications talk about which campaigns they feel are a paradigm of how to effectively engage with the community. Because, if done right, marketing can change the world.



Jan Gooding, chair, Stonewall
Tom Stevens, director of marketing, Pride in London
Tanya Brookfield, chief executive officer, Elvis


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